Friday, September 28, 2007

Cole needed every bit for courage.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Cole, shaking, couldn't lose the smell.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Beneath starlight Cole accelerated past haunts.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Three children. Orphans. Two slept outside.
In a moment of final resort…
Struggle. Revolution. Struggle. Constitution. Struggle. Institution.
Calmly, he detonated. Bright. White. Light.
Rainfall. Her sandal down the street.
Lost: Empty notebook. Lead pencil found.
Sirens. Blaring. God's son shuffles in.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'm tipsy

I've drunk beers. Now I wiz.
there was a time he believed.

throughout his formative years he plotted.

"You believe he'll cry?"
"Let's try."

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

slowly, it grew and consumed her.


there were three.

there were two. one came home.


Monday, September 17, 2007

Like riverbeds at dawn, they appeared.
Last, chance. So he spoke softly.
Cole bathed mother. Mother: "Good boy."

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Bells pealed. His last chance lost.
He fired, then started home. Limping.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The First 6-Word Short Story

About a month ago, I came across a blog post about Ernest Hemingway. Specifically, about how he was once challenged to write a story in just six words. Here's what he delivered: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." Rumor has it, Hemingway considered it his finest work. Since then, other writers have done the same. Some are OK, others are very good, but none, I think, come close to Hemingway's.

Not long after I read the story, I told a friend about it, and he shared it with a friend of his. Since then, the three of us have started writing our own. We're not kidding ourselves: Hemingway has us beat. Regardless, we think there's a lot to this form of storytelling: it's challenging, precise, and, when successful, open to so many interpretations.

So that brings us to this blog. It's simply a way for us to share our own stories and comment on each other's. If all goes well, and this blog happens to find its way to readers besides the three of us, hopefully you'll share your thoughts or, better yet, share your own story. Just remember: Six words. No more. No less.